Hospice is a recognized benefit of Medicare and Medicaid. Furthermore, most private insurance plans and policies provide Hospice coverage. It is highly recommended that prior to one's enrollment into the Hospice program, our professionals will have worked out with one's insurance company to review all support documentation needed and to confirm coverage. Based on empirical knowledge in most cases, Hospice Care benefits will not be denied.

Certainly, ELIGIBILITY FOR HOSPICE must be established for one to receive the benefits. The process is simple and it puts the emphasis on Personalized Care. Our team will meet with each client and the client's family to review the ongoing care, the Medicare guidelines, and the eligibility status in coordination with the client's physician and our Medical Director. The determining factor is that The patient has a life-limiting illness that will no longer be aggressively treated. The duration of care is scheduled based on client's needs, and there is no definite time limit for receiving Hospice Care as long as the client continues to meet the eligibility requirements.